ALTA - Air Line Technicians Association
A Craft Union for the Mechanics Class and Craft representing the skilled professionals at United Airlines.
Information for UAL Technicians
Our Class and Craft
Skilled ProfessionalsTruth about the Teamsters
Facts $ Figures
2022 Teamsters Industry Reset Federal Complaint -
Teamsters Union Negotiators Admit in Newark Union Meeting
"the Teamsters/United Industry Reset Calculation is a Fraud"
2020Â Industry Reset Federal Court Case
Based on the publicly available information from American and Delta Airlines in 2020 United Technicians were owed $6.22 in additional base wages. The Court case and exhibits presented in the grievance process are available below.
When you read these documents you will find the Teamsters negotiators and officers knowingly presented false information in 2016 to sell their Industry Reset and the concessionary contract.
The United Airlines Teamsters negotiators and officers were caught in 2011 during ratification meetings making false statements and threats attributed to members of the NMB. The IBT UAL negotiators made these false statements and threats to induce contractual concessions and take control of your company healthcare benefits.
This is a known and established pattern with these United Teamsters negotiators and their appointed Airline Division reps. Read the court case and exhibits and you will gain a clear understanding of the corruption in the Teamsters union at United Airlines.
It should be clear after you read these briefs that the teamsters are "Company owned Union" that doesn't have your future or your families best interests in mind.
December 2020 Teamsters Industry Reset Leave United Technicians up to
$15 dollars behind American Technicians
2018 Industry Reset Federal Court Case
In 2018 the Teamsters negotiators stated they would provide the Industry Reset Cost Model as Outlined in the CBA. After six months of waiting, the union negotiators refused to provide a copy of the 2018 Cost Model to the membership.
When you read these documents you will find your Teamsters negotiators and officers knowingly presented you false information in 2016 to sell their Industry Reset and the concessionary contract.
The Teamsters UAL rank and file negotiators and officers were caught in 2011 knowingly providing false information and threats from the NMB during ratification to force concessions and control your healthcare.
This is a known and established pattern with these United Teamsters negotiators and their appointed Airline Division reps. Read the transcripts and the exhibits in the case and you will gain a clear understanding of what the Teamsters think about your contractual and statutory Railway Labor Act (RLA) rights.
It should be clear after you read these briefs that the teamsters are "Company owned Union" that doesn't have your future or your families best interests in mind.
2018 Teamsters Industry Reset Information
.41 Cents or a $4.00 Dollar Raise in 2018?
Teamsters deny subUAL Mechanics CARP Benefits for 6 years
Grievance Case and Facts
United Technicians'
Grievance Case and Facts
ALTA Organizing Committees fliers and videos
UAL CAL IBT Cross Utilization LOA fail
United Technicians Sick Leave Rights
Airlines Outsourcing Maintenance
Lee Seham-McCaskill Outsourcing Bill
UAL Technicians CARP Grievance Facts
Four Teamsters Lies to kill CARP Grievance
United Techs help Defeat Teamsters
Southwest Airlines Decline in Safety
AIR 21 Whistle Blower Protections
The Truth about the Teamsters at United Airlines
United Techs help defeat the IBT at AFL-CIO carriers
United Techs help Defeat Teamsters at US Airways and AMR
United Technicians CARP Grievance Review
Teamsters give concessions in a time of record profits
Teamsters outsourcing our future at United Airlines
Our United Locals