ALTA - Air Line Technicians Association

A Craft Union for the Mechanics Class and Craft representing the skilled professionals at United Airlines.


Information for UAL Technicians

Our Class and Craft
Skilled Professionals

Delta Tech Ops Pay Scales 6-1-2024

American Airlines Mechanic and Related All in Rates 9-20-2024

AMFA Southwest All in Rates AIP Term Sheet 6-4-2023

Teamsters United MX and Related All in Rates 2022 Extension TA

March 15, 2024 Congress Questions Teamsters Union over reports of Fraud and Corrupt Behavior by Union Officials

Letter to the Department of Labor OIG Larry Turner ref. UAL Teamsters union Honest Services Fraud and Bribery

Department of Justice - RICO Racketeering and Bribery Consent Decree Against All Teamsters Current and Past IBT Union Officers and Representatives

United Airline Management Employees Plead Guilty to Honest Services Fraud and Bribery Charges by DOJ over Newark Wide Body Hangar Contract

2022 Teamsters Industry Reset Federal Complaint -

Teamsters Union Negotiators Admit in Newark Union Meeting

"the Teamsters/United Industry Reset Calculation is a Fraud"

United Technicians v Teamsters Union - 2022 Industry Reset Case Plaintiffs Second Amended Complaint 6-24-2024

United Technicians v Teamsters 2022 Industry Reset Case - First Amended Complaint 4-29-2024

United Technicians v Teamsters 2022 Industry Reset Federal Complaint 8-6-2023

United Teamsters Rank and File Negotiators Agree to More Concessions - Vote No

United Pilots Tentative Agreement UPA23

United Pilots Ratify T/A 40% Wages increase, Retirement, Work scope, Benefit and Grievance Pay Increases

Teamsters Union Negotiators Outsourcing American Jobs

Former United Executive Leads Teamsters Negotiators to Outsource 700 Aircraft Overseas

Teamsters Negotiators Small Raises for Huge Concessions

2023-1-2 Teamsters Outsource More

Teamsters Negotiators Outsourcing American Aviation Jobs

2023-1-6 Teamsters Negotiators offer what they owed you two years ago

UAL IBT 2023 still $53,000.00 Less than AMR

2023 UAL IBT vs Delta and American - UAL Still at the bottom

2020  Industry Reset Federal Court Case

Based on the publicly available information from American and Delta Airlines in 2020 United Technicians were owed $6.22 in additional base wages. The Court case and exhibits presented in the grievance process are available below.

When you read these documents you will find the Teamsters negotiators and officers knowingly presented false information in 2016 to sell their Industry Reset and the concessionary contract.

The United Airlines Teamsters negotiators and officers were caught in 2011 during ratification meetings making false statements and threats attributed to members of the NMB. The IBT UAL negotiators  made these false statements and threats to induce contractual concessions and take control of your company healthcare benefits.

This is a known and established pattern with these United Teamsters negotiators and their appointed Airline Division reps. Read the court case and exhibits and you will gain a clear understanding of the corruption in the Teamsters union at United Airlines.

It should be clear after you read these briefs that the teamsters are "Company owned Union" that doesn't have your future or your families best interests in mind.


2020 Industry Reset 9th Circuit Appeal-Opening-Brief - Seitz v IBT/UAL

2016 to 2021 IBT Reset Failure UAL $153,000.00 Less than AMR

2020 Industry Reset Second Amended Complaint - Seitz-vs-IBT/UAL

Exhibit #4 2018 IBT Negotiators State ALL factors for Cost Model based on Public Information

Exhibit #2 the NMB and the Cost Model Fraud 2016 IBT UAL Negotiators Honest Services Fraud

Exhibit #5 2018 IBT AD and UAL Negotiators Continue to Fraudulently Claim Cost Model is Secure at the NMB

Exhibit #15 2017 After Concessions Teamsters Headquarters receives $1.5 Million Dollar Payment from United Airlines

2020 American and Delta Pay and Profit Sharing equals $59.00 owed in 2020

2016 to 2021 IBT Reset Failure UAL $153,000.00 Less than AMR

2020 Industry Reset Grievances and Exhibits

2016 American Averages $1.70 Across All Pay Scales

2016 to 2021 UA to AA Wage Disparity Increases

2021 American Averages $8.20 Across All Pay Scales

Teamsters Allow Outsourcing to Continue

American March 2021 Raise a $16 difference

AMR vs UAL Wage Gaps Increase in March of 2021

March 2021 Now A $153,000.00 Difference in Pay

2021 American Techs Avg. $8.20 more per hour than United Teamsters Techs

December 2020 Teamsters Industry Reset Leave United Technicians up to 

$15 dollars behind American Technicians

Ask Your Teamsters Negotiators What went Wrong?

Teamsters UAL Wage Gap up to 39% behind American Airlines

A $138,000.00 Difference in Pay

2020 American Techs Avg. $7.43 more than United Teamsters Techs

2018  Industry Reset Federal Court Case

In 2018 the Teamsters negotiators stated they would  provide the Industry Reset Cost Model as Outlined in the CBA.  After six months of waiting, the union negotiators refused to provide a copy of the 2018 Cost Model to the membership.

When you read these documents you will find your Teamsters negotiators and officers knowingly presented you false information in 2016 to sell their Industry Reset and the concessionary contract. 

The Teamsters UAL rank and file negotiators and officers were caught in 2011 knowingly providing false information and threats from the NMB during ratification to force concessions and control your healthcare.

This is a known and established pattern with these United Teamsters negotiators and their appointed Airline Division reps. Read the transcripts and the exhibits in the case and you will gain a clear understanding of what the Teamsters think about your contractual and statutory Railway Labor Act (RLA) rights.

It should be clear after you read these briefs that the teamsters are "Company owned Union" that doesn't have your future or your families best interests in mind.



Challenge the 2020 Reset

United Technician challenges IBT 2018 Industry Reset in Federal Court

2018 Industry Reset Court Case Initial Disclosures request

United Technicians Federal Lawsuit Update

American Wage Schedule 2020

2020 IBT United "Industry Reset" Wage Scales

Delta Airlines Technician Wage Rates 2019

Teamsters Lowered the Starting Pay for United Technicians and Doubled the Pay Progression

2020 American Airlines Technicians JCBA

2022 Delta Airlines Technicians Wages

2019-2024 Southwest Airlines Technicians

2018 Alaska / Virgin America Technicians

LOA#1 RIF Vacancies - No Grievances Accepted

LOA #2 RIF Furlough Recall Date Grievances denied

LOA #3 RIF Bid Area Recall Rights

RIF Recall Seniority Rights page 58

Page 58 Recall Right to Vacancy

Bid Areas Eliminated under the Teamsters

No Provision in the Contract??

IBT LOA Questions and Confusion

RIF LOA Emergency Clause and Force Majeure

The Recall LOA and How the CBA Works

Why are the Teamsters pushing this LOA?

Teamsters Recall LOA - Reducing Your Recall Rights

Teamsters Bid Area Recall LOA

Teamsters Grievance and LOA send 246 More United Techs to the Street

Professional Representation When it Matters - Furloughs

November 11, 2020 ALTA UAL Campaign Update

Teamsters Grievance on Vacancies in RIF Process

Teamsters LOA Agreeing to Deny Grievances on RIF

American Technicians File for AMFA!

UAL Seniority Rights Given Away by Teamsters

Teamsters ask for old sub UAL Seniority Rights back

Union Representation in a Crisis

Furlough Protections surrendered by the Teamsters

IBT Transfer and Withdrawal Card .50 cents

Higher Starting Pay and a 5 Year Progression In 2008 United Airlines Technicians Were the highest paid in the Industry Prior to Teamsters Representation above AMR and IBT CAL Wages

Best of both Contracts or Worst?

Teamsters Lower United Base Rate to the bottom of Industry

United Union Raises - A Comparison

Southwest Techs Average $8 an hour over United

Alaska Jr Technicians $5 over United Jr Techs

Delta Junior Technicians earn $60,000 more than UAL IBT Jr Techs

American Base Hourly Rate Higher than IBT United Techs


2018 Teamsters Industry Reset Information

.41 Cents or a $4.00 Dollar Raise in 2018?

United Technicians Challenge the Industry Reset

2018 AA/DL Pay and Profit Sharing Why No Reset?

360% Increase in 2018 UA Non-Pay Elements?

2018 Delta Pay and Profit Sharing Compared to United

2018 No Reset? Why did CARP costs Increase?

Teamsters "industry reset" fails to deliver...only .41 cent raise

Teamsters 'economist" bet against United Airlines and Lose

IBT United Technician Wage Increases fall behind

Teamsters deny subUAL Mechanics CARP Benefits for 6 years

Grievance Case and Facts

United Technicians'

Grievance Case and Facts

UAL Technicians vs Teamsters

United Technicians file Complaint vs the Teamsters 9th District Court

UAL Technicians Rebuttal of IBT Grievance Denial

IBT/Gleason 20 page Denial of UAL Techs CARP Grievance


UAL Technicians CARP Grievance Facts

Four Teamsters Lies to kill CARP Grievance


How Much did You lose in CARP Benefits

#1 The IBT Theft of UAL Tech CARP Benefits

#2 The Teamsters theft of UAL CARP Benefits

#3 The Company shall not Maintain a DB

#4 The UAL CARP theft Grievance Review

UAL Techs Fight IBT over CARP Benefits

Part #1 The IBT Theft of UAL CARP Benefits (Flier)

Part #2 IBT theft of Our UAL CARP Benefits (flier)

Part #3 The Company shall not Maintain (flier)

Part #4 The CARP Pension theft Grievance (flier)

CARP Summary Plan Description

2016 IBT T/A UAL CARP Calculator with inflated numbers to Pass Teamsters T/A

2016 IBT T/A CARP Calculator Explained

LOA 05-03M Bankruptcy Exit Agreement

UAL 2005-2009 AMFA Bankruptcy Contract

ALTA Organizing Committees fliers and videos

McCaskill Aircraft Outsourcing Bill

Teamsters Driving Concessions at American Airlines

Teamsters force bad contract on 200,000 UPS workers

IBT 200k Club endorsed concessions at United

UAL CAL IBT Cross Utilization LOA fail

United Technicians Sick Leave Rights

Airlines Outsourcing Maintenance

Lee Seham-McCaskill Outsourcing Bill

UAL Technicians CARP Grievance Facts

Four Teamsters Lies to kill CARP Grievance

United Techs help Defeat Teamsters

Southwest Airlines Decline in Safety

AIR 21 Whistle Blower Protections

UAL Technicians vs Teamsters

IBT SFO 856 Benefits Theft

A&P Technician Shortage Looms

Cross Utilization IBT LOA fail

2020 American Airlines Technicians JCBA

2019 Delta Airlines Technicians Wages

2019-2024 Southwest Airlines Technicians AMFA CBA

2018 Alaska / Virgin America Technicians Transition Agreement











The Truth about the Teamsters at United Airlines



Teamsters Negotiators and 'economist" bet against United and Lose

Teamsters force bad contract on 200,000 UPS workers

Teamsters Caught Rigging Union Healthcare Bids

Teamsters Concessions The 8 Year Pay Progression

2018 Technician Profit Sharing 2.7%

Paying More for Less at United

Teamsters Attendance Policy History

Profit Sharing Loss - Thanks Teamsters

What Do You Pay in Dues to the Teamsters

Teamsters Driving Concessions at American Airlines

IBT UAL Attendance Policy LOA

Teamsters Outsource Our Work to Vendors on the Property

IBT UAL Industry Reset or 1% Raise?

IBT SFO 856 Benefits Theft

IBT Average Concessionary Comparison T/A

Cross Utilization IBT LOA fail

United Techs help defeat the IBT at AFL-CIO carriers

United Techs help Defeat Teamsters at US Airways and AMR

United Technicians CARP Grievance Review

Teamsters give concessions in a time of record profits

Teamsters outsourcing our future at United Airlines

Our United Locals